I have been thinking of this man, how completely unsuspected he appeared. How he would likely take the cookies home to his wife, or give them to his grandchild who would never suspect his grandad was a thief. I am reminded how ineffective judging solely on appearance can be. How often do we try to hide behind our stereotyped facades to make sure our wrongdoings are carefully hidden... But I am a pastor, I am a successful businessman, I am a straight A student, I volunteer, etc. Case after case and life experience after life experience, have shown me time and again that the most beautiful and seemingly great people can be living with ugly hidden double lives.
I am currently working on translating a study guide, in which the idea that injustice at times is not in plane sight. Yet that does not mean it does not exist. We tend take the saying "out of site, out of mind" and use it when we find convenient. If we do not see something then it might as well not exist. Maybe we try to excuse our blinders because we know that when we do witness something horrific we feel a certain level of responsibility to act, to speak out, to help.
When it comes to the most horrific things that occur on a daily if not hourly basis around the world such as forced labor, sexual slavery, child abuse, domestic violence, and abuse of power, we feel overwhelmed at what exactly we are to do and how exactly we are to react. Since its not part of OUR lives what can we really do? Yet in our silence we are acting, we are becoming complacent, we are shutting out reality, isolating ourselves under that nice facade of who we are supposed to be. I personally feel that I will be held accountable for not only what I have witnessed, but also for what I know.
We underestimate the power we truly have; as individuals, as small communities and even as the Church. History tell us time and time again that change began with one person who spoke out. Spoke out against injustice he or she observed, who did not settle for the reality what he or she was experiencing or seeing, but desired to seek and see change.
I don't want to seem like the pot speaking to the kettle, since I too failed to speak out to the man who unjustly stole the packet of cookies. A lessoned learned and perhaps next time I will have more courage or know how to tactfully approach the situation. Nevertheless, I hope that silence would not be my continued response to injustice, however great or small. That I would speak up, act out and confront those who knowingly are hurting others.
On that note, I would like you to check out the new "rockumentary" CALL+RESPONSE in select theaters nationwide.
p.s. 50,000 farmers and laborers are on their way to La Paz to block Congress. They are due in Monday. If you read this before then please pray, hope, meditate, whatever you believe in, that the march would be peaceful as promised. I have my doubts since all schools have suspended classes for Monday so to not expose students to possible violence. Hmmm.