Tuesday, June 30, 2009
un mois plus
Sunday, June 21, 2009
ready for hello(s)
Friday, June 19, 2009
Change, by Tracy Chapman
Saw the face of god and love
Would you change?
Would you change?
If you knew that love can break your heart
When you're down so low that you cannot fall
Would you change?
Would you change?
How bad, how good, does it need to get?
How many losses? how much regret?
What chain reaction would cause an effect?
Makes you turn around
Makes you try to explain
Makes you forgive and forget,
Makes you change
Makes you change
If you knew that you would be alone
Knowing right, being wrong,
Would you change?
Would you change?
If you knew that you would find a truth
That would bring a pain that can't be soothed
Would you change?
Would you change?
How bad, how good, does it need to get?
How many losses? how much regret?
What chain reaction would cause an effect?
Makes you turn around
Makes you try to explain
Makes you forgive and forget,
Makes you change
Makes you change
Are you so up right
You can't be bent
If it comes to blows
Are you so sure you won't be crawling
If not for the good why why risk falling
Why risk falling?
If everything you think you know
Makes your life unbearable
Would you change?
Would you change?
If you'd broken every rule and vow
And hard times come to bring you down
Would you change?
Would you change?
If you knew that you would die today,
If you saw the face of God and loved
Would you change?
Would you change?
If you saw the face of God and loved
If you saw the face of God and loved
Would you change?
Would you change?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Sigo Viva
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
controversial clothing
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Thank you for your continued support and prayers!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Al dedicarme al conocimiento de la sabiduría y a la observación de todo cuanto se hace en la tierra, sin que pudiera conciliar el sueño ni de día ni de noche, pude ver todo lo hecho por Dios. ¡El hombre no puede comprender todo lo que Dios ha hecho en esta vida! Por más que se esfuerce por hallarle sentido, no lo encontrará; aun cuando el sabio diga conocerlo, no lo puede comprender.
Friday, March 20, 2009
one story
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Northern Ireland is not so far away
While the Christian community here is tightly knit, it sometimes seems too uptight to me (actually not just here, but in lots of places). I have decided that next time I am asked I will respond, “Yes, I go to mass every Sunday” just to see how the person will react. Here Christians are separated from Catholics. My question to this is- Who exactly do Catholics believe in? I am pretty sure we broke off from them. I have met amazing people who believe in anything, everything and nothing. I have met wonderful Catholics and horrible Christians, inspiring Jews and loving Buddhists. There are few things that really make me angry, but segregation among “loving” believers is high on my short list.
How valid is my response to this question? If I say I am, does that really make me one? I mean Bill Clinton said he didn’t have sexual relations with Monica, and we all know how that ended. People say things all the time they don’t really mean or that they intend for them to mean something completely different.
How true is our Christianity, which calls us to love our neighbor, when our second question to our neighbor is; are you one of us? Of course I realize that it could be intended with love, but love is usually felt- and I haven’t really felt the love when I have been asked that. Plus, such a question seems to segregate and segregation is the complete opposite of the unconditional love of Christ- whom "Christians" claim to follow.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
things I miss that cannot be mailed:
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
a sermon I am translating...
Monday, March 2, 2009
moving down moving up
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, 8 March 2007[i]
· An estimated 7 out of 10 women suffer from violence.
· In 2007, 32,814 complaints of domestic violence and/or family violence were filed in Bolivia.
· 85 to 95% of domestic violence victims are female.[iii]
· Based on data gathered by the General Secretariat of the United Nations on Violence against Minors, the study shows that 275 million minors are currently exposed to domestic violence.
· For women between the ages of 15 and 44, violence constitutes a major cause of death and disability.[iv]
· In a 1994 study conducted by the World Bank on ten risk factors that affect women, violence and rape were ranked higher than cancer, traffic accidents, war and malaria.[v]
· Based on several surveys from around the world, half of the women who die from homicides are killed by their current or former husbands or partners.
· Limited availability of services, stigma and fear prevent women from seeking assistance and redress. This has been confirmed by a study published by the WHO in 2005: on the basis of data collected from 24,000 women in 10 countries, between 55 percent and 95 percent of women who had been physically abused by their partners had never contacted NGOs, shelters or the police for help.[vi]
· According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 48 studies conducted around the world, up to 69% of women stated that they had been physically abused by their partner at some point in their life.
· Over half of men who abuse their wives will also abuse their children.[vii]
· One out of every five women has to miss work as a consequence of domestic violence.[viii]
[i] http://www.unifem.org/gender_issues/violence_against_women/facts_figures.php
[ii] http://www.ine.gov.bo/indice/visualizador.aspx?ah=PC3090102.HTM
[iii] http://www.aidv-usa.com/Statistics.htm
[iv] 1994 World Bank Study.
[v] General Assembly. In-Depth Study on All Forms of Violence against Women: Report of the Secretary General, 2006. A/61/122/Add.1. 6 July 2006. 52.
[vi] García-Moreno et al. 2005. WHO Multi-country Study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence Against Women. Initial results on prevalence, health outcomes and women’s responses, Geneva: WHO. 74.
[vii] http://www.catwinternational.org/factbook/LatinAmerica.php
[viii] http://www.catwinternational.org/factbook/LatinAmerica.php
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
a few links of interest
Friday, February 6, 2009
Back in L.P.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
If I am traveling at 32 I hope....
Direction, just in time.
I recently spent three days trekking through Torres del Paine National Park in Chile’s Patagonia. This was my first real dose of trekking and I not sure I would recommend this one for a first experience, but I survived and for the most part I really enjoyed my time in nature. The hardest trail by far was up to the Torres lookout. One must cross a couple of rivers (with and without bridges), walk through mud, forest and finally the last 30 minutes is a 100-degree incline on a pile of rocks. If I had spent years on a Stairmaster this still would have been a challenge. I did make it and it was gorgeous.
Along this particular trail there were parts that were very well marked and others that made me second guess the previous markings and think that I would end up at a cottage made of candy or simple get eaten by a puma. Just about the time I felt like I had no other option but to backtrack, I would see a little orange bit in the distance, that would reaffirm that I was on course. The markings were not consistent in shape, form or the distance between them, some were flags, others were circles painted on trees, or arrows on a rock, or plastic posts. The only thing in common was their bright orange color.
On my way back down from seeing the Torres up close, I began to think of how these markings were similar to how God provides direction. Life many times, for me at least, can seem more like a road less traveled, unpaved and rarely marked, rather than a straight, narrow, paved Roman road. There are times when I get desperate and am not sure which course to take. Nevertheless the Universe Herself presents me with markers just in time to affirm that yes, you are still on track. These signs can come in the form of a friend or coworker or complete stranger, they can come through a e-mail or telephone call, through a movie watched, a song heard or a poem read. Each speaks just enough to move me and direct me in this unmarked wilderness of life. For the slightest of moments these signs allow my mind, heart and most importantly my soul to unite, aligning my inner compass. I believe all humans posses this compass, this balance of mind, heart and soul, but few of us are willing to acknowledge or listen to it. If we allow, this compass can direct us, showing us our north and east. Providing us with enough direction, enough hope to satisfy any anxiety we bare. Even if it is just for a moment, we are at peace, knowing full well that the road that we have traveled was right and the course we are taking will eventually lead us to an end- even if ever so vague, we know things are just as they should be. Our inner voice is silenced and our compass is directed by the wise whisper of the Universe that these signs provide, the whisper that unified them all- making them known to us. A gentle whisper that reaches to the depths of who we are. Speaking, directing our soul.