Monday, January 5, 2009

¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

So far I have successfully enjoyed all of the eight things listed bellow.  I forget how much I LOVE Chile. Maybe because in many senses its home, even though I technically do not have family or a house here. details. 

Lucy was here for a nice 10 day visit. We spent most of our time in Viña del Mar, sitting on the beach and indulging in all the great food I have been missing in Bolivia (including a trip to McDonalds- pathetic, I know).  It was refreshing to be with family and a good friend, having time to rest and relax.

I am now back in Concepción, my hometown.  I was here for a quick weekend trip to be at my 5 year high school reunion.  I was able to see the majority of my old classmates, catch up, and realize how little things change, in both good an not so good ways. 

Right now I am trying to plan my journey to the south, which may or may not include a bus ride all the way to the Patagonia.  It should give me a lot of time to think things through and just be, soaking in all the Chileaness I can before I return to La Paz. 

More on my journeys ahead. 

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