Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Greetings from my birthland... yes, I am still here. For those of you who are not aware I am here till the end of January, waiting for the vote for the New Constitution in Bolivia to blow over (hopefully uneventfully, so I can go back).

I have taken this time as a sabbatical of such to reflect and regroup.  Spending it in Chile has been all the more of a blessing, coming full circle of sorts (birth till now).  Being here has made me realize why I am who I am and why I do certain things. I make more sense to me here.  Cultural differences are sometimes hard to explain in words, it's in seeing and experiencing them that make them cognitively unique. 

The greatest thing I have come to realize is that home is a sense of belonging. Home is not a place, nor a building with four walls, a few windows and a door.  Home can not be defined by something tangible or concrete, though it can be represented by one. Home is feeling that you belong somewhere or to someone, and not only that, but most importantly, that you are needed.  I believe a sense of belonging comes from a greater sense that is given off by someone else who not only needs, but desires ones presence.  Feeling this from someone else and having a similar feeling in return, gives one a sense of belonging.

Home become a journey for many people my age, in particular those with stories like mine, who when asked where home is, they sigh and would rather move on to the next question.  At this point, I am quite certain that nothing concrete could define my sense of home, nor could one specific person.  And while one day I hope to feel that sense of belonging from a person(s), I am now satisfied with knowing that I am right where I need to be; nothing more or nothing less.  This IS home; not a nation state or one of the united states, but a state of ones own. 


Cherilyn said...

This is a beautiful post. I'm also glad to know you're hanging out until the vote -- I didn't realize that.

Even though it can be difficult, it can be a blessing to have so many people in so many parts of the world who are always willing to open their homes to you. I'm one of them.

quilter13 said...

You are young woman wise beyond her years. I got caught up on your blogs this evening. You are a beautiful writer. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with all of us who read your entries.
mrs. frey