Friday, September 5, 2008

dia dos

I have arrived and can now officially can La Paz home.  Tomorrow I am hoping to play tourist and take a bus around the city to check it out and become further acquainted with my surroundings.  I am staying at a house in the old center of town, a few blocks from San Francisco, for those into goggle maps. The area is pretty touristy, meaning I see a few other gringos when I walk around.  I am convenient to public transport, which consist of taxis, private taxies, mini-vans, and mini-buses.  So far mini-buses are the best bet, some people greet the other passengers, which I find quite friendly, especially since we are all going to be smooshed together anyway- why not make friends. (I was partially in me neighbors lap this morning).

La Paz is bowl shaped, I am right at the point where you begin to question your cereal to milk ratio. There are lots of ups and downs, which take the wind out of me due to the altitude/lack of oxygen.  I think if I built up endurance to run here I would be unstoppable elsewhere, the tragedy is that I would likely get run over trying.

Work is great, I mean seeing it has only been two days.  Not many details will be shared here due to confidentiality.  The important part is that everyone has been really welcoming and I will have plenty of interesting things to do during my months here. Hearing and understanding the political climate here will also keep me busy and entertained (and hopefully relatively safe). Oh, I had my first cup of coca tea upon arrival and had coca pasta for lunch yesterday. There are t-shirts here that have a coca leaf and then cola, pretty clever, I will for sure get you on Lucy. 

Just wanted you to know I am here and well. More on life in La Paz as it unfolds. 


Caroline said...

Hi, Rach...your mom was in B'ham this past Thurs. night to Sat. afternoon for some meetings and we had a great visit! We always pick up where we left off, no matter how long it's been since we've seen each other. I heard her sking story over Labor Day weekend...oh my gosh! Uncle A. is in Ecuador on a mission trip right now and will be back the 12th so he missed the visit --- that's okay as it gave us more chick time. I'm so proud of you -- and maybe a little bit jealous because as a young woman, my life had been so sheltered I had no idea that I could have gone and explored the world! You're on my daily prayer list and I'll keep up with you through your blog. Abrazo y besos, Tia Carolina Jones

Unknown said...

coca tea was my savior when i was in Bolivia. I got winded and dizzy everyday. Take a walk up to the edge of the "cereal bowl" - amazing view. i loved that city and miss it. besos y suerte chica. m