a) Feel like little Alex on his horrible, terrible, very bad, no good, very bad day.
b) Realize how much a like routine.
c-) Wish I got married young and was expecting my first child (which might not have brought happiness, but it would have likely avoided this).
maybe this is an exaggeration, there were some Lima highlights, which include
a-) Oxygen
b-) Manjar ice cream
c-) a much needed hair cut
But all in all it has led me to be most excited to return to La Paz and get into the swing of things again.
Thank you for your support. Please continue to pray for peace in the political situation, that a solution might be found, and that people of both sides would not be at a place where they are willing to risk their lives and the lives of others to be heard.
Glad you are back "home." Hope your routine comes quickly.
glad to read you are headed back to La Paz. I hope you find it as you left it. I enjoyed the blogs. Thanks for writing them.
Mrs. Frey
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